Q. I have psoriasis. Will Kukui Nut Oil help my condition?
Q. Are your products really animal cruelty free?
Q. I have Psoriasis. Will Kukui Nut Oil help my condition?
A. Kukui Oil contains more of the “essential fatty acids” than any other oil and is very effective for use in helping treat many common skin ailments. The high linoleic and alpha-linolenic fatty acid content of Kukui Oil is ideal for use in skin and hair care products. It’s readily absorbed, providing tissues with essential elements. Particularly suited for dry skin, psoriasis, acne and eczema. Finally, it contains Vitamins A, C and E as antioxidants.
Q. Are your products really animal cruelty free?
A. Many products claim to be free of animal testing - including those who adhere to the five year rolling policy - but many are simply not eligible to be entirely free of animal testing as they cannot guarantee that their ingredients will not be tested on animals.
Kona Body Care follows the Fixed Cut Off Date (FCOD) methodology which guarantees that our products are free from animal testing and has a policy for not using any ingredients tested on animals from a fixed date. The FCOD methodology is considered the "gold standard" by most anti-vivisection organizations around the world.
To be clear, Kona Body Care follow the FCOD policy and we are proud to promote the ethical treatment of all the occupants of our world.